Backpack? Check.
Booster shots? Check.
Teeth cleaning? Check!
Regular dental visits are important year-round, but a back-to-school checkup is key in fighting the most common chronic disease found in school-age children: cavities!
Prevention and early detection can help avoid pain, trouble eating, difficulty speaking and school absences.
Taking care of children’s oral health is a task that needs to be maintained after the eruption of the first baby teeth. If these are not treated correctly, more complex problems can arise, affecting the health of the child’s mouth.
Untreated cavities can lead to difficulties with eating, speaking, and daily routines. There is a direct relationship between oral health and general health; it is essential to help our children take care of their oral health, establishing healthy habits that will have an impact on their smiles and their health. General to adulthood. Following correct daily oral hygiene takes care of the health of children’s teeth and gums, thus avoiding the common problems that a large part of the population currently suffers.
Leave Your Anxiety at the Door
If your heart races at the very thought of the dentist, your child can probably tell.
The younger your kids are, the more you need to be aware of how you’re communicating with them. For example, if your child asks about getting a cavity filled, don’t say, “It will only hurt for a little bit.” Instead, encourage your child to speak to Dr. Jivan directly. “With any child, you want them to be able to feel successful at accomplishing a good visit and link that positive feeling with the idea that their teeth are strong and healthy so they have that message going forward for the rest of their lives.”
Remind your kiddos that our office offers their very own tv to watch any favorite show on Netflix, Disney +, or any other streaming device. They will even get their own headphones!
Keep Cool If Your Child Won’t Cooperate
If your child gets upset during her visit, the worst thing you can do is swoop them out of the chair and leave. Our team will gently guide your child to get through the visit and reinforce the positive experience.
Dr. Jivan understands that his youngest patients may be in an environment they feel they can’t control and that makes them upset. The entire team works together to break the visit down into small steps that lead to big victories and a sense of accomplishment.
Take a Card, or Two, When You Leave
Accidents can happen whether your child is in sports, gym class or just walking down the hall in school. In case of emergency, make sure your child’s teachers, school and coaches have all the medical contact information they need – including your dentist’s number. Grab business cards for your wallet, your child’s backpack and your school’s files. Dr. Jivan is happy to make himself available in any kind of dental emergency for your families well being and peace of mind!